The something of today

Pictures, letters, music, experiences, and a part of me. Shared everyday.


learning how to sail

Today we went to Santa Cruz CA, and had a little experience behind the wheel!



I just love this image !!!
Describes my addiction to cookies :D



The poster

Today we had the poster session, During lunch time, all the interns present their previous work with a poster, and everyone that's interested in your work can approach and ask. So, here is mine :D

Questions, doubts and comments about it, please feel free to contact me :D


In the heights

Awesome musical! you cry, you laugh and you sing along!!

In the picture im with the main actor Perry Young he played Usnavi.

I must say, it was an awesome feeling see my flag in stage :D

Here is also a link of my favorite song of the musical.


The bike tour

Yesterday's Bike Party, over 2000 cyclists taking over the streets of San Jose :D


Visit to the acuarium

A turtle is above me!!!

Taked in the CalAcademy of sciences Acuarium :D


Inventing the Airplane

Today I had the pleasure of attending a Stanford seminar called "Inventing the Airplane"given by Walter G Vincentti in honor of his 95th birthday!!!!

Funny fact: during the lecture, someone asked him "Why the design of the airplanes wings changed from biplane to a single wing?" He started the answer like.. "Yes, I remember that happened in my era, back when I was on high school, just before Standford"

WHAAAAATTT!! awesome evening!!! :D


The view

Another picture of the weekend at Tahoe, the view was amazing!!!



There is nothing better to fight the big amount of work, that with a nice cup of coffee, I must confess I'm still trying to improve my foam design skills :D


weekend at heavenly

After a long week full with alot of work, we went to Heavenly in South Lake Tahoe to give another try to the snowboard :D. On the back of the pick is the Lake