The something of today

Pictures, letters, music, experiences, and a part of me. Shared everyday.


100 aniversary

During the weekend the northern California Girl Scouts had the celebration for the 100 year foundation of the association. They decided to celebrate it by doing a whole day event splited in many stations, one of those was science and technology, NASA was invited to participate. And I had the pleasure to represent, not only NASA but Guias de Mexico! I can assure... I was the only one. After the final countdown the numbers said they where almost 20,000 girls!!!!

This is an awesome way to celebrate 5 de Mayo!!!


  1. Mi bonita:

    Me da tanto gusto verte desarrollando diversas actividades, en paralelo a tu trabajo, solo recuerdo cuando te llevaba a las reuniones de las guías en el parque cerca de tu casa.


    Federico (tu pá)

  2. Que Padre experiencia Ines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! siempre me sorprendes gratamente :) enhorabuena !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TQM UN ABRAZO!!
    Laura Alvarado
